
Logwatch is a customizable log analysis tool that provides a centralized summary of logs from various services and applications on a Linux system. It scans the log files on the system, analyzes the content, and generates reports that are typically emailed to the system administrator. These reports summarize important events, such as security issues, system reboots, login attempts, and more, making Logwatch a valuable tool for system monitoring and security auditing.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Log Analysis: Logwatch can parse logs from a wide range of services, including SSH, Apache, Dovecot, PAM, and others.
  • Customizable Reports: Administrators can configure which logs to include in reports, the level of detail, and the time span of the logs being analyzed.
  • Scheduled Reporting: Typically, Logwatch is configured to run daily and send an email summary, but it can be run manually or scheduled to run at different intervals.
  • Scalable: Suitable for both small servers and large enterprise environments.


Logwatch is available in most Linux distribution repositories and can be installed using the package manager:

  • Debian/Ubuntu:
  sudo apt-get install logwatch
  • CentOS/RHEL:
  sudo yum install logwatch
  • Fedora:
  sudo dnf install logwatch

Basic Usage:

Once installed, Logwatch is typically run automatically via cron, but it can also be run manually to generate a report on demand.

  • Generate a Daily Report:
  sudo logwatch --detail Low --mailto user@example.com --range today
  • --detail Low: Controls the verbosity of the report (options: Low, Med, High).
  • --mailto user@example.com: Specifies the email address to send the report to.
  • --range today: Specifies the time range for the logs (options: today, yesterday, all, etc.).
  • View the Report in Terminal:
  sudo logwatch --detail Med --range today

This command generates the report and displays it directly in the terminal rather than sending it via email.


Logwatch’s main configuration file is located at /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf. You can override the default settings by creating or modifying files in /etc/logwatch/conf.

Key configuration options include:

  • Logfiles: Specifies which log files Logwatch should analyze. By default, it looks at logs in /var/log/.
  • Detail: Controls the level of detail in the report (Low, Med, High).
  • Service Filters: Specifies which services to include in the report.

Example Configuration (/etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf):

MailTo = root
Detail = Med
Range = yesterday
  • MailTo: Defines the email address to send reports to.
  • Detail: Sets the default detail level for the report.
  • Range: Defines the time range of logs to include.

Customizing Logwatch:

  • Service Configurations: You can fine-tune how Logwatch handles specific services by modifying files in /etc/logwatch/conf/services/. For example, you might want to customize how SSH logs are processed.
  • Script Overrides: If you need to adjust how Logwatch processes logs for a particular service, you can create custom scripts in /etc/logwatch/scripts/services/.

Scheduling Logwatch Reports:

Logwatch is usually scheduled to run automatically via a cron job. The cron job is often located in /etc/cron.daily/00logwatch. You can modify this script if you need to change the frequency of reports.

Practical Example:

Suppose you want a daily report with high detail sent to your email. You can set this up by modifying the configuration:

  1. Edit the Logwatch Configuration:
   sudo nano /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf

Add or modify the following lines:

   MailTo = admin@example.com
   Detail = High
   Range = yesterday
  1. Manually Run Logwatch for Testing:
   sudo logwatch --detail High --range today
  1. Check Email:
    Ensure that the email address you specified is receiving the reports and that the detail level meets your needs.

Security Considerations:

  • Sensitive Data: Be cautious about sending detailed log information via email, as it might contain sensitive information. Consider using encrypted email or reviewing reports directly on the server.
  • Log Retention: Logwatch relies on the availability of log files. Ensure that log rotation policies do not remove logs too quickly, which could cause gaps in the reports.

Logwatch is a powerful and flexible tool that simplifies log management by providing summarized, easy-to-read reports. It’s an essential tool for system administrators who need to monitor server health, security events, and other critical activities.

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